Quand le street art rencontre l’anglais et les arts plastiques
Les professeurs d’anglais Mme Boumaïza et Mme Elkington, et d’arts plastiques Mme Boberiether ont fait un travail en commun autour du Street Art, avec leurs classes de seconde H et G.
Adrien Plante, graphiste, est intervenu dans les classes de seconde H et G, afin d’apporter son expérience et ainsi expliquer les différentes techniques et styles du street art que l’on retrouve chez certains artistes.
Les thèmes travaillés avec Adrien Plante ont été :
- 2nde H richesse et pauvreté,
- 2nde G abus raisonnable, écologie polluante et bonheur malsain.
En relation avec l’option Art….
En plus du projet de classe street art, plusieurs élèves de 2nde H et G qui ont choisi option Art, ont développé un projet étroitement lié au thème du street art. Plusieurs de leurs productions ont été exposées à des endroits spécifiques au sein de l’établissement. Cette idée originale, a servi à faire passer un message, défendre une cause ou dénoncer une situation. Ce travail sera diffusé et expliqué dans une vidéo en anglais.
En relation avec l’anglais…
In a spirit of engaging students through art, the pupils of 2H and 2G have had the pleasure of following a Street Art course. Our study began in English with the ‘Creation and Relation to the Arts’ through an exploration of the works of the enigmatic Banksy. In an attempt to develop a critical appreciation, discover different forms of expression and develop curiosity and observation, the pupils explored the works and the world of this famous artist. The difference between Street Art and graffiti was discussed as was the importance of the anonymity of Banksy.
This was followed by the intervention of Mr Adrien Plante, a graphic designer who explained the different techniques and styles involved in the production of Street Art produced by a variety of artists.
After the theory, the pupils were very quickly invited to produce their own works. Starting from the stimulus of a brainstorming lesson in which they were encouraged to find examples of antithesis, the pupils began their works of art on 3 canvasses per class using oil paints, water colours and felt pens. This activity encouraged the artistic skills of the pupils in an atmosphere of cooperation and harmonization. The lessons were an opportunity to work together in a relaxed situation which nonetheless required concentration. For the teachers it was an opportunity to see a different side to our pupils: the pupil who lacked confidence in other subjects who became sure of herself, the discussions of choices of colour and style, the exchanges with Adrien, the atmosphere of unity and encouragement. The themes chosen were in 2H Wealthy Poverty and in 2G Reasonable abuse, Polluting ecology and Unhealthy happiness.
We would like to thank Adrien Plante and Catherine François for this stimulating project that we hope to continue.
In addition to the whole class Street Art Project, several students in 2H and 2G have chosen the Art option in which they have developed a project closely linked to the theme of Street Art. Several productions were produced in with a specific place in the school. This original idea served to transmit a message, defend a cause or to denounce a situation. This work will be presented and explained in a video in English.